Drupal 10.
Let's Begin.


It’s here and better than ever! Just like any update, Drupal 10.1 is packed full of updates that will deliver even more support and give you the tools to build high-performance sites.

Drupal 10 So what's new?

  • Introduction of CKEditor 5 with better authoring experience and more modern editing (replacing CKEditor 4).
  • Modern JavaScript components that remove unnecessary use of jQuery assets, giving you improved performance and easier integrations with JavaScript frameworks in the future.
  • Symfony 6 under the hood (replacing Symfony 4) and PHP 8.1 are required to keep the system secure and up-to-date with Drupal’s underlying infrastructure.
  • Introduction of a more accessible, responsive, and performant administration theme, making content easier and better-looking than ever before.
  • Our new Drupal 10 starter theme called Kinetic, uses Drupal 10’s new features to provide a component-based architecture that lets you go from design to code more efficiently.

If you’re on Drupal 8 or 9 it is time to take the leap to Drupal 10. Drupal has already eliminated security updates for Drupal 9. To get started, go to Upgrade Status on your Drupal 9 site. You can verify which Drupal version you have and contact us so we can help you understand what you need to make the upgrade. The process varies depending on the Drupal version you are currently on. 

“Drupal 10 includes many new features that appeal to developers and content creators alike. A stronger developer and site builder experience combined with easier content authoring and editing make this a key update for all users,” says Dries Buytaert, Founder and Project Lead of Drupal. Updating sets you up for bigger and better updates later on. As Drupal continues to evolve, the removal of jQuery paves the way for a JavaScript framework like React in Drupal core in the future.  “We anticipate organizations will want to move to the latest version quickly to gain its benefits.”


Drupal 10 Faqs What you need to know

  • Drupal 10 was released on December 14, 2022.

    If you are still on Drupal 9 or older, you are no longer receiving security updates to your site.

  • Let’s chat, seriously.

    If you are still on Drupal 7, talk to us so we can get you moving in the right direction. Support for Drupal 7 ends on January 5, 2025. This upgrade will require a site rebuild and possibly a programmatic content migration. It is a larger lift than upgrading from D8 to D9, but it's also the perfect opportunity to update your site, clean up content, rethink the site’s architecture and taxonomy, and consider changes to external integrations.

  • Yes, but it’s complicated.

    Drupal 8 officially reached its end of life in November of 2021. You need to upgrade to Drupal 9 before upgrading to Drupal 10. Although this upgrade is simpler than going from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10, some of the same opportunities exist.


Yesterday :) 

With Drupal 10 having been out for over a year now, support across the community is strong.  Most modules have a direct upgrade path and those that don’t generally have a workaround or migration path available.  Let our experience here help you make this move a smooth one.

Drupal Readiness
acqua preferred partner
Acquia Drupal Expert Certified
drupal association premium supporting partner
Acquia Engage Winner 2017

Drupal Experts Since Version 5

As Acquia Partners and Drupal developers with over 10+ years of experience with Drupal, we've been through all the major versions and Drupal 9 is no different. If you're looking to get the most out of your Drupal investment, or get up to speed with the latest and great Drupal has to offer, we can help.  

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