
Digital Experience Lift for FinTech Innovators.

Data visualization

Numerix, a leading provider of risk management and analytics software solutions for capital markets, needed a new digital experience to realize the investment of their new brand. With innovative technology financial institutions rely on to make decisions, the new digital experience needed to bring to life the Numerix advantage and drive awareness and conversions alike.

Visit the site

With recent acquisitions, strong leadership and a track record of innovation, Numerix has long been recognized as a leader in the risk management and analytics space. What was lacking was a digital presence that reflected its spirit of innovation and clarity around who Numerix is and what problems they solve.

And while Numerix’s portfolio of solutions provides a wide array of tools across asset classes for a variety of financial professionals, it was difficult for prospective customers to grasp the full scope of Numerix’s suite, or navigate its individual products. The new Drupal experience needed to communicate a much broader story while allowing users to find what they needed more quickly.

When Experience Matters.

First impressions still matter and Numerix needed to make one right at the outset. A system of stylish content blocks balances content and visual impact resulting in increased brand clarity, and a deeper experience that resonates with users.

While reusability of content components is important, pages are not a free-for-all. Careful consideration regarding content hierarchy and patterns to drive lead generation mean that pages have primary and secondary goals, including a multi-step form approach to help drive increased conversions. But within this framework, marketers enjoy the flexibility to change, edit, create and publish as needed.

Numerix new home page
New navigation

With a large portfolio of products serving a diverse cohort of financial professionals, navigation clarity is as important as data accuracy.

Clear delineations between audience and the products best suited for each means Numerix customers can quickly narrow to relevant solutions without getting bogged down in proprietary or branded terms that can be confusing.

Meanwhile, a “job-do-be-done” solution navigation element serves customers who are unsure of application but are clear on desired outcomes.

Turning ones and zeros into wow.

SaaS and software marketing is always a challenge, particularly in B2B. Rarely does a screenshot “sell itself” and in the context of integrations, algorithms, and decision agents, it becomes even harder to show and and not tell.

Leveraging the new Numerix brand, we were able to push and pull the visual direction to help tell the story of what Numerix can do in a clean, technical way without getting bogged down in tired stock imagery. At the same time, we worked with the Numerix team to identify keywords to focus while remediating technical issues that were impacting SEO.

The result is a manageable design system that Drupal website admins can use to describe the fintech story from within the CMS.

Newly designed components on Numerix website
collage of various newly designed components

Built for growth.

With a technical and brand foundation set, Numerix has nowhere to go but up. To help validate performance, we also Implemented an analytics framework for Google Analytics 4 in order to have better lead attribution by channels. The resulting digital ecosystem has repositioned Numerix within the market and a strong editing experience will ensure content admins and marketing teams can adapt and scale for whatever comes next.

Data visualization