Global Paper Company


Global paper worker

As one of the most recognized names in the pulp and paper industry, our client was looking ahead to a more sustainable future as they sought to reinvent their website as a platform for change.

To establish a “new” company, the pulp and paper giant needed to develop a sustainable digital marketing presence centered around storytelling. The company has a long legacy to acknowledge, but more importantly, it has developed an exciting vision centered around sustainability which it needs to communicate globally. 

As with any company with more than a century of history, there were some challenges in embracing a digital transformation. Moving beyond simply describing products across regions wasn’t enough to help businesses understand how they could provide sustainable solutions, and grow market share worldwide. The new website was to be a cornerstone for the new global marketing strategy, and Drupal would help them integrate anything the business needed to continue to grow.

A Growing Digital Ecosystem

While the website remains the primary digital touch point for their end customers, other martech systems needed to be considered when architecting the new Drupal digital platform.

Customer engagement software, CRMs, digital advertising, and B2B analytics tools were all part of the growing ecosystem that needed to be at the very least, connected, and in some cases, integrated, to connect the website and leverage data. While simple data tracking was the obvious starting point for martech integration, laying the groundwork for an evolving, easily composable digital ecosystem was key.


Global Drupal Website

Go-To Market Navigation

By uniting individual business units and once siloed parts of the business, the new way customers can navigate their vast catalog of products is easier to understand, faster to use, and more manageable by global marketing teams. 

Validation With User Testing

The website architecture was validated with quantitative user testing to ensure clear paths to the content and tools their audiences needed. On average, the new site performed with a 91% task completion rate, proving an improvement in overall experience.

Global Drupal Website Navigation

Vast Global Reach

Changes in demand for products around the world continue to threaten the shipping industry, putting an intense strain on companies that need to be faster to adjust. The client needed an agile marketing platform that allowed for product updates, campaigns, and content changes to happen asynchronously, and globally. 

Powered by Drupal with a localization strategy based on experience with dozens of companies with international reach, the site is fully equipped to scale to new regions. Languages and localized products can be managed independently so that different product teams across the world can localize offerings (and translate content) within their locale easily and without developer assistance.

Sustainable Brand Presence

A challenge that companies of this size often have is design governance. Bringing a new brand to life at scale, and more importantly, keeping it on brand as the website continues to evolve is a fine balance. Too much freedom when it comes to component-based design, and regional marketers can start to deviate and create visual disconnects. However, too little flexibility means marketers can’t deliver the right messages in the right ways. A flexible, yet sustainable design system lets the company’s new brand stretch where needed and remain consistently strong across the globe.

Product offerings
Design assets for global paper brand

Results for a New Era

With every company moving to Google Analytics 4, comprehensive analytics configuration with Google’s new event-based standard means more precise and granular tracking—if you know what you’re looking for. We helped them make the jump to GA4 and build a new tracking strategy to ensure proper tracking going forward.

GA logo

increase in engaged sessions


increase in views to all contact page(s)


increase in page sustainability-related page views