Velocity Global

A New Face for a Global Workforce Leader

VP of brand

Velocity Global is a work-anywhere company with hundreds of employees spread across six continents and 60 countries. Despite their world-wide presence, Velocity Global was looking to make its biggest move yet and position itself as a technology-enabled, people-placing powerhouse.

Visit the site

A professional services company transitioning to a SaaS provider was a familiar story for us, but new to Velocity Global. A new direction meant a new brand, activated in a way that would resonate with multiple audiences needed to drive growth. 

Velocity Global was right where we like companies to be—excited about a new direction, ready for a fresh start, and armed with solid ideas and a motivated team—to build a new website right. 

From blue sky to brass tacks

During discovery we worked closely with visual design agency, Red Antler, to ensure the new Velocity Global identity would be brought to life in a consistent, engaging, and manageable way.

At the same time, highly visual and asset-heavy pages needed to be search optimized (thank you, Drupal's out-of-the-box SEO optimization) but also remain very easy to manage so that marketers could update stats across country pages on the fly using an easy-to-use, robust, component-based design system.

velocity global home page
VG navigation

Navigation was an important consideration for the sake of users and Velocity Global’s evolved positioning. Finding the right balance between what users expect and what they don’t is key. 

As a service that allows companies to hire in other countries, ensuring customers could search for and find "their country" was critical for users—and for Google.

By moving access to the country pages to the navigation bar, users can browse directly from the menu, increasing visibility and incentivizing users to explore.

Fast ABM with 6sense

Along with everything that goes into creating a conversion-driven B2B website, we also helped Velocity Global deploy their newly purchased 6sense platform. 

Working with stakeholders, we helped align the go-to-market strategy with target account lists, keywords, and segments to support the initial ABM pilot program. By narrowing to the most targeted ICP, we helped organize the first campaign launch that coordinated display advertising, marketing nurture, and sales engagement.   

Learn more about our ABM services here.

employee cost calculator

Lead-gen tools of the trade

While every sales process is unique, there are some tried-and-true tactics that can often show value to potential customers. We helped build an employee cost calculator that helps prospective customers budget for hiring globally. The system pings a custom API for country and currency information using a fast, lightweight javascript application. Follow-up CTAs funnel interested users directly into the sales process. 

collage of screenshots from Velocity Global website

Results for a new era

Velocity Global is now able to get the right people to the right content at the right time. Engagement is up, with people spending more time on the site and consuming more content than they previously were. 

customer testimonials

increase in time on page


decrease in bounce rate after 90-day mark


increase in pages per visit