Drupal 7 to 8 Migration Comparison
The move from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 is a big one.
Make sure your organization understands the changes, how the versions stack up, and which one is right for you. With the impending approach of Drupal 9, it's now more important than ever to start your Drupal 8 migration now to get ready for the next big release.
Absolutely! In fact, there will be no need for rebuilds for any site migrated to Drupal 8. Once your Drupal 8 migration is complete, you'll be on track for every major Drupal release without a rebuild.
If you are considering a Drupal 7 to 8 migration, start here. In this asset, Drupal 7 features are laid out side-by-side and compared to Drupal 8 updates. The format will help you understand the differences between the two latest Drupal versions and their impact on your business.
Benefits of a Drupal 8 Migration
After completing a Drupal 8 migration, your life (and the lives of your users) will be a whole lot better. Aside from a more robust technical architecture, you'll be able to take advantage of drag and drop editing, more seamless API integrations and totally revamped media system using the latest responsive strategies. A Drupal 8 migration doesn't just extend the lifespan of your site—it can deliver a marked improvement in the entire user experience.